Marc Fletcher's

100 Days of AI challenge review

5th Aug 2023

On 28th April 2023, I started the 100 days of AI challenge. Each day, for 100 consecutive days, I spent roughly 30 minutes learning about Artificial Intelligence. And then I Tweeted about it.

Here are my thoughts after completing the challenge. Plus all 100 Tweets.

Learn differently

100 days of knowledge growth. A structure for success

3 years ago, on the 19th April 2020, I started Max Haining's 100 days of no-code challenge. I found the format of daily activity to be engaging enough to maintain consistency, but not so onerous as to be a burden.The format? Every day (for 100 days) take some time to understand something about no-code & Tweet about your learning activity.The benefits? Learning is reinforced with repetition and sharing. This happens when you recall your lesson to create a Tweet about it. The compounding effect of being able to recall and relate recently gained knowledge, with each new lesson, is an easy win & sharing has the bonus benefits of helping others learn, network growth and discussion opportunities.I completed the challenge and have since contributed content and support to Max's community of enthusiastic no-code builders.Now Max has translated the 100 days learning format to capitalise on it's successful technique & address a thirst to understand and harness the revolutionary capabilities of AI. I completed the 100 days of AI challenge on 5th August 2023. My learning has shaped the building of (now sunset), an AI-driven, personalised content creation service and a ongoing private project which give small businesses access to their own internal AI assistants. I'm now able to help others with AI implementation goals and AI will be forming a core part of future projects.

Max has done an outstanding job of delivering the '100 days' format and continues to democratise software development with his education-focused community. If you're currently taking a 100 days challenge, welcome to a special community and a rewarding future.

100 days of no-code challenge
100 days of AI challenge



  • How did you find learning content? Google, Twitter and newsletters like MIT Technology review.

  • How much does the 100 days of AI challenge cost? Nothing.

  • What do you get for completing the 100 days of AI challenge? An education in AI, the skills to use it and the opportunity to share your knowledge.

  • Did you really Tweet every day? On days I wasn't able to Tweet, I made additional time for learning beforehand and scheduled Tweets in advance.

  • Where can I learn more about the 100 days of no-code challenge? 100 days of no-code.

  • Where can I learn more about the 100 days of AI challenge? 100 days of AI

  • Who are you? I build and sell software with no-code tools. Here's my website

Daily gains

All 100 Tweets

Here's all 100 Tweets from my 100 days of AI challenge. Some links may need to be copied and pasted in to your browser.

© Marc Fletcher. All rights reserved. Updated 24th March 2024